McKenna's Wild Ride!

My Photo
Location: from gorgeous San Diego,, California, United States

mother to three amazing people-in-training, a happy wife, a jewelry artist, a weekend gardener, loyal friend, mostly hedonistic, a tireless seeker of truth and justice, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...okay, maybe not that. I got a little carried away. How about "I'm a super grateful and happy lady who's very lucky in love and life?!" SOLD!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The first time we met!

McKenna in my tummy...don't I look tired?!

Father's Day 2006
Daddy & his girls
Andie & McKenna

August 2006
Gerber Baby!

Our first play date at Auntie Annies with our friends...we've got two more coming to join the group soon, but they haven't been born yet!

McKenna & Daddy on Daddy's birthday, 8-11-06.
We celebrated in Mexico, at a great house in San Miguel with the Summers!

McKenna and Daddy at San Elijo Beach
July 3, 2006

May 2006
Cooper and McKenna are getting to know each other

April 2006
Bunko Baby!

There are so many wonderful people in our lives who are genuinely interested in the madness and mayhem that is our lives, I decided to start a blog page where I can keep everyone up to date on how we are faring!

McKenna is a little over 5 1/2 months now. On June 29, 2006, she rolled over for the first time. I remember thinking our lives will never be the same! That statement can apply to every day here on out. That's just the way it is with both kids. I thought that very same thing the minute Cooper decided to "drop in" on the half pipe at the Kroc Center Skateboard Park. Yikes!

Back to the rollover...On July 1st, while camping at San Elijo, I put McKenna on the seat at the table in our new motorhome, completely forgetting the rolling over incident from June 29th. Of course, she rolled straight off the seat, onto the floor and her head! Holy mackerel, I felt like I deserved the Worst Mommy in the World Award...there's got to be such a thing, right?

On July 4th, the day before we were to leave San Elijo after McKenna's first camping trip, I was preparing dinner in the motorhome while Jimmy was packing up. Cooper was off riding skateboards around camp with P.J. Bodine and McKenna was taking her afternoon nap. She woke up crying, which is unusual for her. She is not a cryer. I was just at the end of preparing dinner and was basically at the critical stage where everything was either done or on the cusp of burning. I picked her up and called for Jimmy to cuddle her while I finished. He came in and needed to wash his hands. Of course, the sink had a cutting board on it with dinner layed out. He needed to go to the bathroom sink. In turning to let him by, I brushed McKenna's foot, which was on my hip, against the hot frypan on the stove. She screamed like I've NEVER heard her scream before and hopefully never again. A huge blister immediately formed on her heel. Unbelievable. Please refer to the award above...anyone?! Needless to say, the fireworks that night were beautiful, but we barely were able to enjoy them after the early evening's trauma. Poor, sweet, unsuspecting baby!

At this time, August 22, 2006, McKenna is on her way to crawling. She is up on all fours, but doesn't quite know what to do about it yet. She is chewing quite a bit and looks like she may sprout teeth soon. We just had to implement the "Ferber Method" and let her cry herself to sleep so WE could get some sleep. She needs to know how to soothe herself and get herself to sleep without nursing. So far, she's settled right in. She is not that into napping. This morning, she skipped morning nap entirely. I finally put her down at 12:30 and she's still sleeping and it's 2:30. I got to vacuum! She is the sweetest baby there ever was! I cannot believe how blessed we are. She is amazing. I almost can't wait until she talks so I can hear what she's thinking! She plays peekaboo and is almost crawling! (We’re not ready for that, by the way…the knick knacks are still at large!) She is a sweet baby with the greatest disposition EVER. She’s got an easy smile and when she cries, it’s for a good reason, dammit! Once her need has been met, she’s cool again. She and Cooper are enamored of each other. He is a great big brother and takes care of her whenever he can. He has made it his life’s mission to make her laugh! He got her first laughs out of her with “arm farts…” Pure 8-year-old! Once that happened, however, it was ON and he wouldn’t stop. She, of course, didn’t find it funny anymore, but that didn’t stop him from trying! Andie visits often and is a good big sister. She is a preschool teacher and says that McKenna is a model baby and none of the babies she deals with day in and day out even come close to her! (She’s not biased or anything!)